Source code for concreteproperties.design_codes

from __future__ import annotations

from copy import deepcopy
from math import inf
from multiprocessing.sharedctypes import Value
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Tuple

import numpy as np
from import Live
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.optimize import brentq

import concreteproperties.results as res
import concreteproperties.stress_strain_profile as ssp
import concreteproperties.utils as utils
from concreteproperties.material import Concrete, SteelBar

    from concreteproperties.concrete_section import ConcreteSection

[docs]class DesignCode: """Abstract class for a design code object.""" def __init__( self, ): """Inits the DesignCode class.""" pass
[docs] def assign_concrete_section( self, concrete_section: ConcreteSection, ): """Assigns a concrete section to the design code. :param concrete_section: Concrete section object to analyse """ self.concrete_section = concrete_section
[docs] def create_concrete_material( self, compressive_strength: float, colour: str = "lightgrey", ) -> Concrete: """Returns a concrete material object. List assumptions of material properties here... :param compressive_strength: Concrete compressive strength :param colour: Colour of the concrete for rendering :return: Concrete material object """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def create_steel_material( self, yield_strength: float, colour: str = "grey", ) -> SteelBar: """Returns a steel bar material object. List assumptions of material properties here... :param yield_strength: Steel yield strength :param colour: Colour of the steel for rendering :return: Steel material object """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def get_gross_properties( self, **kwargs, ) -> res.GrossProperties: """Returns the gross section properties of the reinforced concrete section. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to :meth:`~concreteproperties.concrete_section.ConcreteSection.get_gross_properties` :return: Concrete properties object """ return self.concrete_section.get_gross_properties(**kwargs)
[docs] def get_transformed_gross_properties( self, **kwargs, ) -> res.TransformedGrossProperties: """Transforms gross section properties. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to :meth:`~concreteproperties.concrete_section.ConcreteSection.get_transformed_gross_properties` :return: Transformed concrete properties object """ return self.concrete_section.get_transformed_gross_properties(**kwargs)
[docs] def calculate_cracked_properties( self, **kwargs, ) -> res.CrackedResults: """Calculates cracked section properties. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to :meth:`~concreteproperties.concrete_section.ConcreteSection.calculate_cracked_properties` :return: Cracked results object """ return self.concrete_section.calculate_cracked_properties(**kwargs)
[docs] def moment_curvature_analysis( self, **kwargs, ) -> res.MomentCurvatureResults: """Performs a moment curvature analysis. No reduction factors are applied to the moments. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to :meth:`~concreteproperties.concrete_section.ConcreteSection.moment_curvature_analysis` :return: Moment curvature results object """ return self.concrete_section.moment_curvature_analysis(**kwargs)
[docs] def ultimate_bending_capacity( self, **kwargs, ) -> res.UltimateBendingResults: """Calculates the ultimate bending capacity. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to :meth:`~concreteproperties.concrete_section.ConcreteSection.ultimate_bending_capacity` :return: Ultimate bending results object """ return self.concrete_section.ultimate_bending_capacity(**kwargs)
[docs] def moment_interaction_diagram( self, **kwargs, ) -> res.MomentInteractionResults: """Generates a moment interaction diagram. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to :meth:`~concreteproperties.concrete_section.ConcreteSection.moment_interaction_diagram` :return: Moment interaction results object """ return self.concrete_section.moment_interaction_diagram(**kwargs)
[docs] def biaxial_bending_diagram( self, **kwargs, ) -> res.BiaxialBendingResults: """Generates a biaxial bending diagram. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to :meth:`~concreteproperties.concrete_section.ConcreteSection.biaxial_bending_diagram` :return: Biaxial bending results """ return self.concrete_section.biaxial_bending_diagram(**kwargs)
[docs] def calculate_uncracked_stress( self, **kwargs, ) -> res.StressResult: """Calculates stresses within the reinforced concrete section assuming an uncracked section. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to :meth:`~concreteproperties.concrete_section.ConcreteSection.calculate_uncracked_stress` :return: Stress results object """ return self.concrete_section.calculate_uncracked_stress(**kwargs)
[docs] def calculate_cracked_stress( self, **kwargs, ) -> res.StressResult: """Calculates stresses within the reinforced concrete section assuming a cracked section. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to :meth:`~concreteproperties.concrete_section.ConcreteSection.calculate_cracked_stress` :return: Stress results object """ return self.concrete_section.calculate_cracked_stress(**kwargs)
[docs] def calculate_service_stress( self, **kwargs, ) -> res.StressResult: """Calculates service stresses within the reinforced concrete section. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to :meth:`~concreteproperties.concrete_section.ConcreteSection.calculate_service_stress` :return: Stress results object """ return self.concrete_section.calculate_service_stress(**kwargs)
[docs] def calculate_ultimate_stress( self, **kwargs, ) -> res.StressResult: """Calculates ultimate stresses within the reinforced concrete section. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments passed to :meth:`~concreteproperties.concrete_section.ConcreteSection.calculate_ultimate_stress` :return: Stress results object """ return self.concrete_section.calculate_ultimate_stress(**kwargs)
[docs]class AS3600(DesignCode): """Design code class for Australian standard AS 3600:2018. Note that this design code only supports :class:`~concreteproperties.pre.Concrete` and :class:`~concreteproperties.pre.SteelBar` material objects. Meshed :class:`~concreteproperties.pre.Steel` material objects are **not** supported as this falls under the composite structures design code. """ def __init__( self, ): """Inits the AS3600 class.""" super().__init__()
[docs] def assign_concrete_section( self, concrete_section: ConcreteSection, ): """Assigns a concrete section to the design code. :param concrete_section: Concrete section object to analyse """ self.concrete_section = concrete_section # check to make sure there are no meshed reinforcement regions if self.concrete_section.reinf_geometries_meshed: raise ValueError( "Meshed reinforcement is not supported in this design code." ) # determine reinforcement class self.reinforcement_class = "N" for steel_geom in self.concrete_section.reinf_geometries_lumped: if ( abs( steel_geom.material.stress_strain_profile.get_ultimate_tensile_strain() ) < 0.05 ): self.reinforcement_class = "L" # calculate squash and tensile load squash, tensile = self.squash_tensile_load() self.squash_load = squash self.tensile_load = tensile
[docs] def create_concrete_material( self, compressive_strength: float, colour: str = "lightgrey", ) -> Concrete: r"""Returns a concrete material object to AS 3600:2018. | **Material assumptions:** | - *Density*: 2400 kg/m\ :sup:`3` | - *Elastic modulus*: Interpolated from Table 3.1.2 | - *Service stress-strain profile*: Linear with no tension, compressive strength at 0.9 * f'c | - *Ultimate stress-strain profile*: Rectangular stress block, parameters from Cl. 8.1.3 | - *Alpha squash*: From Cl. | - *Flexural tensile strength*: From Cl. :param compressive_strength: Characteristic compressive strength of concrete at 28 days in megapascals (MPa) :param colour: Colour of the concrete for rendering :raises ValueError: If ``compressive_strength`` is not between 20 MPa and 100 MPa. :return: Concrete material object """ if compressive_strength < 20 or compressive_strength > 100: raise ValueError("compressive_strength must be between 20 MPa and 100 MPa.") # create concrete name name = f"{compressive_strength:.0f} MPa Concrete (AS 3600:2018)" # calculate elastic modulus fc_list = [20, 25, 32, 40, 50, 65, 80, 100] Ec_list = [24000, 26700, 30100, 32800, 34800, 37400, 39600, 42200] f_Ec = interp1d(fc_list, Ec_list) elastic_modulus = f_Ec(compressive_strength) # calculate stress block parameters alpha = 0.85 - 0.0015 * compressive_strength alpha = max(alpha, 0.67) gamma = 0.97 - 0.0025 * compressive_strength gamma = max(gamma, 0.67) # calculate flexural_tensile_strength flexural_tensile_strength = 0.6 * np.sqrt(compressive_strength) return Concrete( name=name, density=2.4e-6, stress_strain_profile=ssp.ConcreteLinearNoTension( elastic_modulus=elastic_modulus, ultimate_strain=0.003, compressive_strength=0.9 * compressive_strength, ), ultimate_stress_strain_profile=ssp.RectangularStressBlock( compressive_strength=compressive_strength, alpha=alpha, gamma=gamma, ultimate_strain=0.003, ), flexural_tensile_strength=flexural_tensile_strength, colour=colour, )
[docs] def create_steel_material( self, yield_strength: float = 500, ductility_class: str = "N", colour: str = "grey", ) -> SteelBar: r"""Returns a steel bar material object. | **Material assumptions:** | - *Density*: 7850 kg/m\ :sup:`3` | - *Elastic modulus*: 200,000 MPa | - *Stress-strain profile:* Elastic-plastic, fracture strain from Table 3.2.1 :param yield_strength: Steel yield strength :param ductility_class: Steel ductility class ("N" or "L") :param colour: Colour of the steel for rendering :raises ValueError: If ``ductility_class`` is not "N" or "L" :return: Steel material object """ if ductility_class == "N": fracture_strain = 0.05 elif ductility_class == "L": fracture_strain = 0.015 else: raise ValueError("ductility_class must be N or L.") return SteelBar( name=f"{yield_strength:.0f} MPa Steel (AS 3600:2018)", density=7.85e-6, stress_strain_profile=ssp.SteelElasticPlastic( yield_strength=yield_strength, elastic_modulus=200e3, fracture_strain=fracture_strain, ), colour=colour, )
[docs] def squash_tensile_load( self, ) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Calculates the squash and tensile load of the reinforced concrete section. :return: Squash and tensile load """ # initialise the squash load, tensile load and squash moment variables squash_load = 0 tensile_load = 0 # loop through all concrete geometries for conc_geom in self.concrete_section.concrete_geometries: # calculate area area = conc_geom.calculate_area() # calculate alpha_squash comp_strength = ( conc_geom.material.stress_strain_profile.get_compressive_strength() ) if comp_strength: alpha_squash = 1 - 0.003 * comp_strength alpha_squash = min(alpha_squash, 0.85) alpha_squash = max(alpha_squash, 0.72) else: alpha_squash = 1 # calculate compressive force force_c = ( area * alpha_squash * conc_geom.material.ultimate_stress_strain_profile.get_compressive_strength() ) # add to totals squash_load += force_c # loop through all steel geometries for steel_geom in self.concrete_section.reinf_geometries_lumped: # calculate area area = steel_geom.calculate_area() # calculate compressive and tensile force force_c = area * steel_geom.material.stress_strain_profile.get_stress( strain=0.025 ) force_t = ( -area * steel_geom.material.stress_strain_profile.get_yield_strength() ) # add to totals squash_load += force_c tensile_load += force_t return squash_load, tensile_load
[docs] def capacity_reduction_factor( self, n_u: float, n_ub: float, n_uot: float, k_uo: float, phi_0: float, ) -> float: """Returns the AS 3600:2018 capacity reduction factor (Table 2.2.2). ``n_ub`` and ``phi_0`` only required for compression, ``n_uot`` only required for tension. :param n_u: Axial force in member :param n_ub: Axial force at balanced point :param n_uot: Axial force at ultimate tension load :param k_uo: Neutral axis parameter at pure bending :param phi_0: Capacity reduction factor for dominant compression :return: Capacity reduction factor """ # pure bending phi if self.reinforcement_class == "N": phi = 1.24 - 13 * k_uo / 12 phi = min(phi, 0.85) phi = max(phi, 0.65) else: phi = 0.65 # compression if n_u > 0: if n_u >= n_ub: return phi_0 else: return phi_0 + (phi - phi_0) * (1 - n_u / n_ub) # tension else: if self.reinforcement_class == "N": return phi + (0.85 - phi) * (n_u / n_uot) else: return 0.65
[docs] def get_k_uo( self, theta: float, ) -> float: r"""Returns k_uo for the reinforced concrete cross-section given ``theta``. :param theta: Angle (in radians) the neutral axis makes with the horizontal axis (:math:`-\pi \leq \theta \leq \pi`) :return: Bending parameter k_uo """ pure_res = self.concrete_section.ultimate_bending_capacity(theta=theta) return pure_res.k_u
[docs] def get_n_ub( self, theta: float, ) -> float: r"""Returns n_ub for the reinforced concrete cross-section given ``theta``. :param theta: Angle (in radians) the neutral axis makes with the horizontal axis (:math:`-\pi \leq \theta \leq \pi`) :return: Balanced axial force n_ub """ # get depth to extreme tensile bar and its yield strain d_0, eps_sy = self.concrete_section.extreme_bar(theta=theta) # get compressive strain at extreme fibre eps_cu = self.concrete_section.gross_properties.conc_ultimate_strain # calculate d_n at balanced load d_nb = d_0 * (eps_cu) / (eps_sy + eps_cu) # calculate axial force at balanced load balanced_res = self.concrete_section.calculate_ultimate_section_actions( d_n=d_nb, ultimate_results=res.UltimateBendingResults(theta=theta) ) return balanced_res.n
[docs] def ultimate_bending_capacity( self, theta: float = 0, n: float = 0, phi_0: float = 0.6, ) -> Tuple[res.UltimateBendingResults, res.UltimateBendingResults, float]: r"""Calculates the ultimate bending capacity with capacity factors to AS 3600:2018. :param theta: Angle (in radians) the neutral axis makes with the horizontal axis (:math:`-\pi \leq \theta \leq \pi`) :param n: Net axial force :param phi_0: Compression dominant capacity reduction factor, see Table 2.2.2(d) :return: Factored and unfactored ultimate bending results objects, and capacity reduction factor *(factored_results, unfactored_results, phi)* """ # get parameters to determine phi n_uot = self.tensile_load k_uo = self.get_k_uo(theta=theta) n_ub = self.get_n_ub(theta=theta) # non-linear calculation of phi def non_linear_phi(phi_guess): phi = self.capacity_reduction_factor( n_u=n / phi_guess, n_ub=n_ub, n_uot=n_uot, k_uo=k_uo, phi_0=phi_0, ) return phi - phi_guess (phi, r) = brentq( f=non_linear_phi, a=phi_0, b=0.85, xtol=1e-3, rtol=1e-6, # type: ignore full_output=True, disp=False, ) # calculate ultimate bending capacity ult_res = self.concrete_section.ultimate_bending_capacity( theta=theta, n=n / phi ) # factor ultimate results factored_ult_res = deepcopy(ult_res) factored_ult_res.n *= phi factored_ult_res.m_x *= phi factored_ult_res.m_y *= phi factored_ult_res.m_xy *= phi return factored_ult_res, ult_res, phi
[docs] def moment_interaction_diagram( self, phi_0: float = 0.6, ) -> Tuple[res.MomentInteractionResults, res.MomentInteractionResults, List[float]]: """Generates a moment interaction diagram with capacity factors to AS 3600:2018. :param phi_0: Compression dominant capacity reduction factor, see Table 2.2.2(d) :return: Factored and unfactored moment interaction results objects, and list of capacity reduction factors *(factored_results, unfactored_results, phis)* """ mi_res = self.concrete_section.moment_interaction_diagram( control_points=[ ("D", 1.0), ("fy", 1.0), ("N", 0.0), ], n_points=[12, 12], ) # get theta theta = mi_res.results[0].theta # add squash load mi_res.results.insert( 0, res.UltimateBendingResults( theta=theta, d_n=inf, k_u=0, n=self.squash_load, m_x=0, m_y=0, m_xy=0, ), ) # add tensile load mi_res.results.append( res.UltimateBendingResults( theta=theta, d_n=0, k_u=0, n=self.tensile_load, m_x=0, m_y=0, m_xy=0, ) ) # make a copy of the results to factor factored_mi_res = deepcopy(mi_res) # list to store phis phis = [] # get required constants for phi n_uot = self.tensile_load k_uo = self.get_k_uo(theta=theta) n_ub = self.get_n_ub(theta=theta) # factor results for ult_res in factored_mi_res.results: phi = self.capacity_reduction_factor( n_u=ult_res.n, n_ub=n_ub, n_uot=n_uot, k_uo=k_uo, phi_0=phi_0 ) ult_res.n *= phi ult_res.m_x *= phi ult_res.m_y *= phi ult_res.m_xy *= phi phis.append(phi) return factored_mi_res, mi_res, phis
[docs] def biaxial_bending_diagram( self, n: float = 0, n_points: int = 48, phi_0: float = 0.6, ) -> Tuple[res.BiaxialBendingResults, List[float]]: """Generates a biaxial bending with capacity factors to AS 3600:2018. :param n: Net axial force :param n_points: Number of calculation points between the decompression :param phi_0: Compression dominant capacity reduction factor, see Table 2.2.2(d) :return: Factored biaxial bending results object and list of capacity reduction factors *(factored_results, phis)* """ pass # initialise results f_bb_res = res.BiaxialBendingResults(n=n) phis = [] # calculate d_theta d_theta = 2 * np.pi / n_points # generate list of thetas theta_list = np.linspace(start=-np.pi, stop=np.pi - d_theta, num=n_points) # create progress bar progress = utils.create_known_progress() with Live(progress, refresh_per_second=10) as live: task = progress.add_task( description="[red]Generating biaxial bending diagram", total=n_points, ) # loop through thetas for theta in theta_list: # factored capacity f_ult_res, _, phi = self.ultimate_bending_capacity( theta=theta, n=n, phi_0=phi_0 ) f_bb_res.results.append(f_ult_res) phis.append(phi) progress.update(task, advance=1) # add first result to end of list top f_bb_res.results.append(f_bb_res.results[0]) phis.append(phis[0]) progress.update( task, description="[bold green]:white_check_mark: Biaxial bending diagram generated", ) live.refresh() return f_bb_res, phis