Source code for concreteproperties.pre

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import sectionproperties.pre.library.primitive_sections as sp_ps
from more_itertools import peekable
from sectionproperties.pre.geometry import Geometry
from shapely import LineString, Polygon
from shapely.ops import split

from concreteproperties.material import Concrete

    import matplotlib
    from sectionproperties.pre.geometry import CompoundGeometry

    from concreteproperties.material import Material, SteelBar, SteelStrand

[docs]class CPGeom: """Watered down implementation of the *sectionproperties* Geometry object, optimised for *concreteproperties*. """ def __init__( self, geom: Polygon, material: Material, ): """Inits the CPGeom class. :param geom: Shapely polygon defining the geometry :param material: Material to apply to the geometry """ # round polygon points and save geometry self.geom = self.round_geometry(geometry=geom, tol=6) # store material self.material = material # create points and facets self.points, self.facets = self.create_points_and_facets(geometry=self.geom) # create holes self.holes: List[Tuple[float, float]] = [] for hole in self.geom.interiors: hole_polygon = Polygon(hole) self.holes += tuple(hole_polygon.representative_point().coords)
[docs] def round_geometry( self, geometry: Polygon, tol: int, ) -> Polygon: """Rounds the coordinates in ``geometry`` to tolerance ``tol``. :param geometry: Geometry to round :param tol: Number of decimal places to round :return: Rounded geometry """ if geometry.exterior: rounded_exterior = np.round(geometry.exterior.coords, tol) else: rounded_exterior = np.array([None]) rounded_interiors = [] for interior in geometry.interiors: rounded_interiors.append(np.round(interior.coords, tol)) if not rounded_exterior.any(): return Polygon() else: return Polygon(rounded_exterior, rounded_interiors)
[docs] def create_points_and_facets( self, geometry: Polygon, ) -> Tuple[List[Tuple[float, float]], List[Tuple[int, int]]]: """Creates a list of points and facets from a shapely polygon. :param geometry: Shapely polygon from which to create points and facets :return: Points and facets """ master_count = 0 points: List[Tuple[float, float]] = [] facets: List[Tuple[int, int]] = [] # perimeter, note in shapely last point == first point if geometry.exterior: for coords in list(geometry.exterior.coords[:-1]): points.append(coords) master_count += 1 facets += self.create_facets(points) exterior_count = master_count # holes for idx, hole in enumerate(geometry.interiors): break_count = master_count int_points = [] for coords in hole.coords[:-1]: int_points.append(coords) master_count += 1 # (idx > 0), (idx < 1) are like a 'step functions' offset = break_count * (idx > 0) + exterior_count * (idx < 1) facets += self.create_facets(int_points, offset=offset) points += int_points return points, facets
[docs] def create_facets( self, points_list: List[Tuple[float, float]], offset: int = 0 ) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]: """Generates a list of facets given a list of points and a facet offset. :param points_list: List of ordered points to create facets from :param offset: Facet offset integer :return: List of facets """ idx_peeker = peekable([idx + offset for idx, _ in enumerate(points_list)]) return [(item, idx_peeker.peek(offset)) for item in idx_peeker]
[docs] def calculate_area( self, ) -> float: """Calculates the area of the geometry. :return: Geometry area """ return self.geom.area
[docs] def calculate_centroid( self, ) -> Tuple[float, float]: """Calculates the centroid of the geometry. :return: Geometry centroid """ return self.geom.centroid.coords[0]
[docs] def calculate_extents( self, ) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]: """Calculates the minimum and maximum ``x`` and ``y`` values among the points describing the geometry. :return: Extents (``x_min``, ``x_max``, ``y_min``, ``y_max``) """ min_x, min_y, max_x, max_y = self.geom.bounds # type: ignore return min_x, max_x, min_y, max_y
[docs] def split_section( self, point: Tuple[float, float], theta: float, ) -> Tuple[List[CPGeom], List[CPGeom]]: """Splits the geometry about a line. :param point: Point on line :param theta: Angle line makes with horizontal axis :return: Geometries above and below the line """ # round point point = np.round(point, 6) # generate unit vector vector = np.cos(theta), np.sin(theta) # calculate bounds of geometry bounds = self.calculate_extents() # generate line segment that matches bounds of geometry object line_seg = self.create_line_segment(point=point, vector=vector, bounds=bounds) # check to see if line intersects geometry if line_seg.intersects(self.geom): # split geometries polys = split(geom=self.geom, splitter=line_seg).geoms else: polys = [self.geom] # sort geometries top_polys, bot_polys = self.sort_polys(polys=polys, point=point, vector=vector) # type: ignore # assign material properties and create cp geometry objects top_geoms = [ CPGeomConcrete(geom=poly, material=self.material) if isinstance(self.material, Concrete) else CPGeom(geom=poly, material=self.material) for poly in top_polys ] bot_geoms = [ CPGeomConcrete(geom=poly, material=self.material) if isinstance(self.material, Concrete) else CPGeom(geom=poly, material=self.material) for poly in bot_polys ] # ensure top geoms is in compression if theta <= np.pi / 2 and theta >= -np.pi / 2: return top_geoms, bot_geoms else: return bot_geoms, top_geoms
[docs] def create_line_segment( self, point: Tuple[float, float], vector: Tuple[float, float], bounds: Tuple[float, float, float, float], ) -> LineString: """Creates a shapely line string defined by a ``point`` and ``vector`` and bounded by ``bounds``. :param point: Point on line :param vector: Vector defining direction of line :param bounds: Bounds of the geometry :return: Shapely line string """ tol = 1e-6 # distance to displace start of line from bounds # not a vertical line if abs(vector[0]) > 1e-12: v_ratio = vector[1] / vector[0] x1 = bounds[0] - tol x2 = bounds[1] + tol y1 = v_ratio * (x1 - point[0]) + point[1] y2 = v_ratio * (x2 - point[0]) + point[1] # vertical line else: v_ratio = vector[0] / vector[1] y1 = bounds[2] - tol y2 = bounds[3] + tol x1 = v_ratio * (y1 - point[1]) + point[0] x2 = v_ratio * (y2 - point[1]) + point[0] return LineString([(x1, y1), (x2, y2)])
[docs] def sort_polys( self, polys: List[Polygon], point: Tuple[float, float], vector: Tuple[float, float], ) -> Tuple[List[Polygon], List[Polygon]]: """Sorts polygons that are above and below the line. :param polys: Polygons to sort :param point: Point on line :param vector: Vector defining direction of line :return: Polygons above and below the line """ top_polys: List[Polygon] = [] bot_polys: List[Polygon] = [] v_ratio = vector[1] / vector[0] for poly in polys: # get point inside polygon px, py = poly.representative_point().coords[0] # not a vertical line if abs(vector[0]) > 1e-12: # get point on line at x-coordinate of representative point y_line = point[1] + (px - point[0]) * v_ratio # if we are below the line if py < y_line: bot_polys.append(poly) # if we are above the line else: top_polys.append(poly) # vertical line else: # if we are to the right of the line if px < point[0]: bot_polys.append(poly) # if we are to the left of the line else: top_polys.append(poly) return top_polys, bot_polys
[docs] def plot_geometry( self, title: str = "Cross-Section Geometry", **kwargs, ) -> matplotlib.axes.Axes: # type: ignore """Plots the geometry. :param title: Plot title :param kwargs: Passed to :meth:`~sectionproperties.pre.geometry.Geometry.plot_geometry` :return: Matplotlib axes object """ return self.to_sp_geom().plot_geometry(title=title, **kwargs)
[docs] def to_sp_geom( self, ) -> Geometry: """Converts self to a *sectionproperties* geometry object. :return: *sectionproperties* geometry object """ return Geometry(geom=self.geom, material=self.material) # type: ignore
[docs]class CPGeomConcrete(CPGeom): """*concreteproperties* Geometry class for concrete geometries.""" def __init__( self, geom: Polygon, material: Concrete, ): """Inits the CPGeomConcrete class. :param geom: Shapely polygon defining the geometry :param material: Material to apply to the geometry """ super().__init__( geom=geom, material=material, ) # ensure material is a Concrete object self.material = material
[docs]def add_bar( geometry: Union[Geometry, CompoundGeometry], area: float, material: Union[SteelBar, SteelStrand], x: float, y: float, n: int = 4, ) -> CompoundGeometry: """Adds a reinforcing bar to a *sectionproperties* geometry. Bars are discretised by four points by default. :param geometry: Reinforced concrete geometry to which the new bar will be added :param area: Bar cross-sectional area :param material: Material object for the bar :param x: x-position of the bar :param y: y-position of the bar :param n: Number of points to discretise the bar circle :return: Reinforced concrete geometry with added bar """ bar = sp_ps.circular_section_by_area( area=area, n=n, material=material # type: ignore ).shift_section(x_offset=x, y_offset=y) return (geometry - bar) + bar # type: ignore
[docs]def add_bar_rectangular_array( geometry: Union[Geometry, CompoundGeometry], area: float, material: Union[SteelBar, SteelStrand], n_x: int, x_s: float, n_y: int = 1, y_s: float = 0, anchor: Tuple[float, float] = (0, 0), exterior_only: bool = False, n: int = 4, ) -> CompoundGeometry: """Adds a rectangular array of reinforcing bars to a *sectionproperties* geometry. Bars are discretised by four points by default. :param geometry: Reinforced concrete geometry to which the new bar will be added :param area: Bar cross-sectional area :param material: Material object for the bar :param n_x: Number of bars in the x-direction :param x_s: Spacing in the x-direction :param n_y: Number of bars in the y-direction :param y_s: Spacing in the y-direction :param anchor: Coordinates of the bottom left hand bar in the rectangular array :param exterior_only: If set to True, only returns bars on the external perimeter :param n: Number of points to discretise the bar circle :return: Reinforced concrete geometry with added bar """ for j_idx in range(n_y): for i_idx in range(n_x): # check to see if we are adding a bar if exterior_only: if i_idx != 0 and i_idx != n_x - 1 and j_idx != 0 and j_idx != n_y - 1: add_bar = False else: add_bar = True else: add_bar = True if add_bar: bar = sp_ps.circular_section_by_area(area=area, n=n, material=material) # type: ignore x = anchor[0] + i_idx * x_s y = anchor[1] + j_idx * y_s bar = bar.shift_section(x_offset=x, y_offset=y) geometry = (geometry - bar) + bar # type: ignore return geometry # type: ignore
[docs]def add_bar_circular_array( geometry: Union[Geometry, CompoundGeometry], area: float, material: Union[SteelBar, SteelStrand], n_bar: int, r_array: float, theta_0: float = 0, ctr: Tuple[float, float] = (0, 0), n: int = 4, ) -> CompoundGeometry: """Adds a circular array of reinforcing bars to a *sectionproperties* geometry. Bars are discretised by four points by default. :param geometry: Reinforced concrete geometry to which the news bar will be added :param area: Bar cross-sectional area :param material: Material object for the bar :param n_bar: Number of bars in the array :param r_array: Radius of the circular array :param theta_0: Initial angle (in radians) that the first bar makes with the horizontal axis in the circular array :param ctr: Centre of the circular array :param n: Number of points to discretise the bar circle :return: Reinforced concrete geometry with added bar """ d_theta = 2 * np.pi / n_bar for idx in range(n_bar): bar = sp_ps.circular_section_by_area(area=area, n=n, material=material) # type: ignore theta = theta_0 + idx * d_theta x = ctr[0] + r_array * np.cos(theta) y = ctr[1] + r_array * np.sin(theta) bar = bar.shift_section(x_offset=x, y_offset=y) geometry = (geometry - bar) + bar # type: ignore return geometry # type: ignore