Source code for concreteproperties.prestressed_section

from __future__ import annotations

from math import isinf
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
import sectionproperties.pre.geometry as sp_geom
from scipy.optimize import brentq, root_scalar

import concreteproperties.results as res
import concreteproperties.utils as utils
from concreteproperties.analysis_section import AnalysisSection
from concreteproperties.concrete_section import ConcreteSection
from concreteproperties.material import SteelStrand
from concreteproperties.pre import CPGeom, CPGeomConcrete

[docs]class PrestressedSection(ConcreteSection): """Class for a prestressed concrete section. .. note:: Prestressed concrete sections analysed in ``concreteproperties`` must be symmetric about their vertical (``y``) axis, with all flexure assumed to be about the ``x`` axis. .. warning:: The only meshed geometries that are permitted are concrete geometries. """ def __init__( self, geometry: sp_geom.CompoundGeometry, moment_centroid: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None, geometric_centroid_override: bool = True, ) -> None: """Inits the ConcreteSection class. :param geometry: *sectionproperties* CompoundGeometry object describing the prestressed concrete section :param moment_centroid: If specified, all moments for service and ultimate analyses are calculated about this point. If not specified, all moments are calculated about the gross cross-section centroid, i.e. no material properties applied. :param geometric_centroid_override: If set to True, sets ``moment_centroid`` to the geometric centroid i.e. material properties applied """ super().__init__( geometry=geometry, moment_centroid=moment_centroid, geometric_centroid_override=geometric_centroid_override, ) # check symmetry about y-axis if not np.isclose( self.gross_properties.e_zyy_minus, self.gross_properties.e_zyy_plus ): raise ValueError("PrestressedSection must be symmetric about y-axis.") # check for any meshed geometries if self.reinf_geometries_meshed: msg = "Meshed reinforcement geometries are not permitted in " msg += "PrestressedSection." raise ValueError(msg) # sum strand areas for strand_geom in self.strand_geometries: self.gross_properties.strand_area += strand_geom.calculate_area() # calculate prestressed actions n_prestress = 0 m_prestress = 0 for strand in self.strand_geometries: if isinstance(strand.material, SteelStrand): # add axial force n_strand = ( strand.material.get_prestress_stress() * strand.calculate_area() ) n_prestress += n_strand # add moment centroid = strand.calculate_centroid() m_prestress += n_strand * (centroid[1] - self.moment_centroid[1]) self.gross_properties.n_prestress = n_prestress self.gross_properties.m_prestress = m_prestress
[docs] def calculate_cracked_properties( self, m_ext: float, n_ext: float = 0, ) -> res.CrackedResults: """Calculates cracked section properties given an axial loading and bending moment. :param m_ext: External bending moment :param n_ext: External axial force :raises ValueError: If the provided loads do not result in tension within the concrete :return: Cracked results object """ # check there is tension in the section uncr_stress = self.calculate_uncracked_stress(n=n_ext, m=m_ext) if uncr_stress.get_concrete_stress_limits()[0] > 0: msg = "Analysis failed, section contains no tension. Please provide a " msg += "combination of m_ext and n_ext that results in a tensile stress " msg += "within the section when combined with the prestressing actions." raise utils.AnalysisError(msg) # initialise cracked results object cracked_results = res.CrackedResults( theta=0, n=self.gross_properties.n_prestress + n_ext, m=m_ext, ) # calculate cracking moment m_cr_pos = self.calculate_cracking_moment( n=self.gross_properties.n_prestress + n_ext, m_int=self.gross_properties.m_prestress, positive=True, ) m_cr_neg = self.calculate_cracking_moment( n=self.gross_properties.n_prestress + n_ext, m_int=self.gross_properties.m_prestress, positive=False, ) cracked_results.m_cr = (m_cr_pos, -m_cr_neg) # set neutral axis depth limits # depth of neutral axis at extreme tensile fibre _, d_t = utils.calculate_extreme_fibre( points=self.compound_geometry.points, theta=0 ) a = 1e-6 * d_t # sufficiently small depth of compressive zone b = d_t # neutral axis at extreme tensile fibre # find neutral axis that gives convergence of the the cracked neutral axis try: cracked_results.d_nc, r = brentq( f=self.cracked_neutral_axis_convergence, a=a, b=b, args=(cracked_results), xtol=1e-3, rtol=1e-6, # type: ignore full_output=True, disp=False, ) except ValueError: msg = "Analysis failed. Please raise an issue at " msg += "" raise utils.AnalysisError(msg) return cracked_results
[docs] def calculate_cracking_moment( self, n: float, m_int: float, positive: bool, ) -> float: """Calculates the cracking moment given an axial load ``n`` and internal bending moment ``m_int``. :param n: Axial load :param m_int: Internal bending moment :param positive: If set to True, determines the cracking moment for positive bending, otherwise determines the cracking moment for negative bending :return: Cracking moment """ # determine theta theta = 0 if positive else np.pi # get centroidal second moments of area e_ixx = self.gross_properties.e_ixx_c # loop through all concrete geometries to find lowest cracking moment m_c = 0 valid_geom_count = 0 for conc_geom in self.concrete_geometries: # get distance from centroid to extreme tensile fibre d = utils.calculate_max_bending_depth( points=conc_geom.points, c_local_v=utils.global_to_local( theta=theta,, )[1], theta=theta, ) # if no part of the section is in tension, go to next geometry if d == 0: continue # calculate stress required for cracking f_t = conc_geom.material.flexural_tensile_strength f_n = n * conc_geom.material.elastic_modulus / self.gross_properties.e_a f_r = f_t + f_n # cracking moment for this geometry m_int_sign = -1 if positive else 1 m_c_geom = (f_r / conc_geom.material.elastic_modulus) * ( e_ixx / d ) + m_int_sign * m_int # if we are the first geometry, initialise cracking moment if valid_geom_count == 0: m_c = m_c_geom # otherwise take smaller cracking moment else: m_c = min(m_c, m_c_geom) valid_geom_count += 1 return m_c
[docs] def cracked_neutral_axis_convergence( self, d_nc: float, cracked_results: res.CrackedResults, ) -> float: """Given a trial cracked neutral axis depth ``d_nc``, determines the minimum concrete stress. For a cracked elastic analysis this should be zero (no tension allowed). :param d_nc: Trial cracked neutral axis :param cracked_results: Cracked results object :return: Cracked neutral axis convergence """ # guess hogging or sagging m_net_guess = cracked_results.m + self.gross_properties.m_prestress if m_net_guess > 0: theta = 0 else: theta = np.pi def calc_min_stress(): # calculate extreme fibre in global coordinates extreme_fibre, d_t = utils.calculate_extreme_fibre( points=self.compound_geometry.points, theta=theta ) # find point on neutral axis by shifting by d_nc point_na = utils.point_on_neutral_axis( extreme_fibre=extreme_fibre, d_n=d_nc, theta=theta ) # split concrete geometries above and below d_nc, discard below cracked_geoms: List[Union[CPGeomConcrete, CPGeom]] = [] for conc_geom in self.concrete_geometries: top_geoms, _ = conc_geom.split_section(point=point_na, theta=theta) # save compression geometries cracked_geoms.extend(top_geoms) # add reinforcement geometries to list cracked_geoms.extend(self.reinf_geometries_lumped) cracked_geoms.extend(self.strand_geometries) # save cracked geometries and calculate properties cracked_results.cracked_geometries = cracked_geoms self.cracked_section_properties(cracked_results=cracked_results) # conduct cracked stress analysis return self.calculate_cracked_stress(cracked_results=cracked_results) cr_stress_res = calc_min_stress() # check _m_net exists if cr_stress_res._m_net: m_net = cr_stress_res._m_net # if we guess the bending direction wrong if m_net > 0 and m_net_guess < 0 or m_net < 0 and m_net_guess > 0: # change bending direction theta -= np.pi cr_stress_res = calc_min_stress() # get minimum concrete stress is zero min_stress, _ = cr_stress_res.get_concrete_stress_limits() return min_stress
[docs] def moment_curvature_analysis( self, positive: bool = True, n: float = 0, kappa_inc: float = 1e-7, kappa_mult: float = 2, kappa_inc_max: float = 5e-6, delta_m_min: float = 0.15, delta_m_max: float = 0.3, progress_bar: bool = True, ) -> res.MomentCurvatureResults: """Performs a moment curvature analysis given an applied axial force ``n``. Analysis continues until a material reaches its ultimate strain. :param positive: If set to True, performs the moment curvature analysis for positive bending, otherwise performs the moment curvature analysis for negative bending :param n: Axial force :param kappa_inc: Initial curvature increment :param kappa_mult: Multiplier to apply to the curvature increment ``kappa_inc`` when ``delta_m_max`` is satisfied. When ``delta_m_min`` is satisfied, the inverse of this multipler is applied to ``kappa_inc``. :param kappa_inc_max: Maximum curvature increment :param delta_m_min: Relative change in moment at which to reduce the curvature increment :param delta_m_max: Relative change in moment at which to increase the curvature increment :param progress_bar: If set to True, displays the progress bar :return: Moment curvature results object """ # determine theta theta = 0 if positive else np.pi # determine initial curvature that gives zero moment def find_intial_curvature(kappa0): # initialise moment curvature result mk_res = res.MomentCurvatureResults(theta=theta, n_target=n) # find neutral axis that gives convergence of axial force brentq( f=self.service_normal_force_convergence, a=-0.1, b=0.1, args=(kappa0, mk_res), ) # calculate moment convergence return mk_res._m_x_i # find initial curvature kappa0 = root_scalar(f=find_intial_curvature, x0=0, x1=-1e-6) return super().moment_curvature_analysis( theta=theta, n=n, kappa0=kappa0.root, kappa_inc=kappa_inc, kappa_mult=kappa_mult, kappa_inc_max=kappa_inc_max, delta_m_min=delta_m_min, delta_m_max=delta_m_max, progress_bar=progress_bar, )
[docs] def ultimate_bending_capacity( self, positive: bool = True, n: float = 0, ) -> res.UltimateBendingResults: """Given axial force ``n``, calculates the ultimate bending capacity. Note that ``k_u`` is calculated only for lumped (non-meshed) geometries. :param positive: If set to True, calculates the positive bending capacity, otherwise calculates the negative bending capacity. :param n: Net axial force :return: Ultimate bending results object """ # determine theta theta = 0 if positive else np.pi return super().ultimate_bending_capacity(theta=theta, n=n)
[docs] def moment_interaction_diagram(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def biaxial_bending_diagram(self): raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def calculate_uncracked_stress( self, n: float = 0, m: float = 0, ) -> res.StressResult: """Calculates stresses within the prestressed concrete section assuming an uncracked section. Uses gross area section properties to determine concrete, reinforcement and strand stresses given an axial force ``n`` and bending moment ``m``. :param n: Axial force :param m: Bending moment :return: Stress results object """ # initialise stress results conc_sections = [] conc_sigs = [] conc_forces = [] lumped_reinf_geoms = [] lumped_reinf_sigs = [] lumped_reinf_strains = [] lumped_reinf_forces = [] strand_geoms = [] strand_sigs = [] strand_strains = [] strand_forces = [] # get uncracked section properties e_a = self.gross_properties.e_a cx = cy = e_ixx = self.gross_properties.e_ixx_c e_iyy = self.gross_properties.e_iyy_c e_ixy = self.gross_properties.e_ixy_c # add prestressed actions n += self.gross_properties.n_prestress m += self.gross_properties.m_prestress # calculate neutral axis rotation theta = 0 # point on neutral axis is centroid point_na = (cx, cy) # split meshed geometries above and below neutral axis split_meshed_geoms = [] for meshed_geom in self.meshed_geometries: top_geoms, bot_geoms = meshed_geom.split_section( point=point_na, theta=theta, ) split_meshed_geoms.extend(top_geoms) split_meshed_geoms.extend(bot_geoms) # loop through all concrete geometries and calculate stress # for conc_geom in self.concrete_geometries: for conc_geom in split_meshed_geoms: analysis_section = AnalysisSection(geometry=conc_geom) # calculate stress, force and point of action sig, n_sec, d_x, d_y = analysis_section.get_elastic_stress( n=n, m_x=m, m_y=0, e_a=e_a, cx=cx, cy=cy, e_ixx=e_ixx, e_iyy=e_iyy, e_ixy=e_ixy, ) # save results conc_sigs.append(sig) conc_forces.append((n_sec, d_x, d_y)) conc_sections.append(analysis_section) # loop through all lumped and strand geometries and calculate stress for lumped_geom in self.reinf_geometries_lumped + self.strand_geometries: # initialise stress and position sig = 0 centroid = lumped_geom.calculate_centroid() x = centroid[0] - cx y = centroid[1] - cy # axial stress sig += n * lumped_geom.material.elastic_modulus / e_a # bending moment stress sig += lumped_geom.material.elastic_modulus * ( -(e_ixy * m) / (e_ixx * e_iyy - e_ixy**2) * x + (e_iyy * m) / (e_ixx * e_iyy - e_ixy**2) * y ) # add initial prestress if isinstance(lumped_geom.material, SteelStrand): sig += -lumped_geom.material.get_prestress_stress() strain = sig / lumped_geom.material.elastic_modulus # net force and point of action n_lumped = sig * lumped_geom.calculate_area() if isinstance(lumped_geom.material, SteelStrand): strand_sigs.append(sig) strand_strains.append(strain) strand_forces.append((n_lumped, x, y)) strand_geoms.append(lumped_geom) else: lumped_reinf_sigs.append(sig) lumped_reinf_strains.append(strain) lumped_reinf_forces.append((n_lumped, x, y)) lumped_reinf_geoms.append(lumped_geom) return res.StressResult( concrete_section=self, concrete_analysis_sections=conc_sections, concrete_stresses=conc_sigs, concrete_forces=conc_forces, meshed_reinforcement_sections=[], meshed_reinforcement_stresses=[], meshed_reinforcement_forces=[], lumped_reinforcement_geometries=lumped_reinf_geoms, lumped_reinforcement_stresses=lumped_reinf_sigs, lumped_reinforcement_strains=lumped_reinf_strains, lumped_reinforcement_forces=lumped_reinf_forces, strand_geometries=strand_geoms, strand_stresses=strand_sigs, strand_strains=strand_strains, strand_forces=strand_forces, )
[docs] def calculate_cracked_stress( self, cracked_results: res.CrackedResults, ) -> res.StressResult: """Calculates stresses within the prestressed concrete section assuming a cracked section. Uses cracked area section properties to determine concrete, reinforcement and strand stresses given the actions provided during the cracked analysis. :param cracked_results: Cracked results objects :return: Stress results object """ # initialise stress results conc_sections = [] conc_sigs = [] conc_forces = [] lumped_reinf_geoms = [] lumped_reinf_sigs = [] lumped_reinf_strains = [] lumped_reinf_forces = [] strand_geoms = [] strand_sigs = [] strand_strains = [] strand_forces = [] # get cracked section properties e_a = cracked_results.e_a_cr cx = cy = e_ixx = cracked_results.e_ixx_c_cr e_iyy = cracked_results.e_iyy_c_cr e_ixy = cracked_results.e_ixy_c_cr # determine net moment # (recalculate moment due to prestressing force about cracked centroid) m_net = 0 for strand in self.strand_geometries: if isinstance(strand.material, SteelStrand): n_strand = ( strand.material.get_prestress_stress() * strand.calculate_area() ) centroid = strand.calculate_centroid() m_net += n_strand * (centroid[1] - cy) m_net += cracked_results.m # loop through all meshed geometries and calculate stress for geom in cracked_results.cracked_geometries: if geom.material.meshed: analysis_section = AnalysisSection(geometry=geom) # calculate stress, force and point of action sig, n_sec, d_x, d_y = analysis_section.get_elastic_stress( n=cracked_results.n, m_x=m_net, m_y=0, e_a=e_a, cx=cx, cy=cy, e_ixx=e_ixx, e_iyy=e_iyy, e_ixy=e_ixy, ) # save results conc_sigs.append(sig) conc_forces.append((n_sec, d_x, d_y)) conc_sections.append(analysis_section) # loop through all lumped and strand geometries and calculate stress for lumped_geom in self.reinf_geometries_lumped + self.strand_geometries: # initialise stress and position of bar sig = 0 centroid = lumped_geom.calculate_centroid() x = centroid[0] - cx y = centroid[1] - cy # axial stress sig += cracked_results.n * lumped_geom.material.elastic_modulus / e_a # bending moment stress sig += lumped_geom.material.elastic_modulus * ( -(e_ixy * m_net) / (e_ixx * e_iyy - e_ixy**2) * x + (e_iyy * m_net) / (e_ixx * e_iyy - e_ixy**2) * y ) # add initial prestress if isinstance(lumped_geom.material, SteelStrand): sig += -lumped_geom.material.get_prestress_stress() strain = sig / lumped_geom.material.elastic_modulus # net force and point of action n_lumped = sig * lumped_geom.calculate_area() if isinstance(lumped_geom.material, SteelStrand): strand_sigs.append(sig) strand_strains.append(strain) strand_forces.append((n_lumped, x, y)) strand_geoms.append(lumped_geom) else: lumped_reinf_sigs.append(sig) lumped_reinf_strains.append(strain) lumped_reinf_forces.append((n_lumped, x, y)) lumped_reinf_geoms.append(lumped_geom) return res.StressResult( concrete_section=self, concrete_analysis_sections=conc_sections, concrete_stresses=conc_sigs, concrete_forces=conc_forces, meshed_reinforcement_sections=[], meshed_reinforcement_stresses=[], meshed_reinforcement_forces=[], lumped_reinforcement_geometries=lumped_reinf_geoms, lumped_reinforcement_stresses=lumped_reinf_sigs, lumped_reinforcement_strains=lumped_reinf_strains, lumped_reinforcement_forces=lumped_reinf_forces, strand_geometries=strand_geoms, strand_stresses=strand_sigs, strand_strains=strand_strains, strand_forces=strand_forces, _m_net=m_net, )
[docs] def calculate_service_stress( self, moment_curvature_results: res.MomentCurvatureResults, m: float, kappa: Optional[float] = None, ) -> res.StressResult: """Calculates service stresses within the prestressed concrete section. Uses linear interpolation of the moment-curvature results to determine the curvature of the section given the user supplied moment, and thus the stresses within the section. Otherwise, a curvature can be provided which overrides the supplied moment. :param moment_curvature_results: Moment-curvature results objects :param m: Bending moment :param kappa: Curvature, if provided overrides the supplied bending moment and calculates the stress at the given curvature :return: Stress results object """ if kappa is None: # get curvature kappa = moment_curvature_results.get_curvature(moment=m) # initialise variables mk = res.MomentCurvatureResults( theta=0, n_target=moment_curvature_results.n_target ) # find neutral axis that gives convergence of the axial force try: eps0, r = brentq( f=self.service_normal_force_convergence, a=-0.1, b=0.1, args=(kappa, mk), full_output=True, disp=False, ) except ValueError: msg = "Analysis failed. Confirm that the supplied moment/curvature is " msg += "within the range of the moment-curvature analysis." raise utils.AnalysisError(msg) # initialise stress results conc_sections = [] conc_sigs = [] conc_forces = [] lumped_reinf_geoms = [] lumped_reinf_sigs = [] lumped_reinf_strains = [] lumped_reinf_forces = [] strand_geoms = [] strand_sigs = [] strand_strains = [] strand_forces = [] # get global coordinates of extreme compressive fibre ecf, _ = utils.calculate_extreme_fibre( points=self.compound_geometry.points, theta=0 ) # create splits in meshed geometries at points in stress-strain profiles meshed_split_geoms: List[Union[CPGeom, CPGeomConcrete]] = [] for meshed_geom in self.meshed_geometries: split_geoms = utils.split_geom_at_strains_service( geom=meshed_geom, theta=0, ecf=ecf, eps0=eps0, kappa=kappa, ) meshed_split_geoms.extend(split_geoms) # loop through all meshed geometries and calculate stress for meshed_geom in meshed_split_geoms: analysis_section = AnalysisSection(geometry=meshed_geom) # calculate stress, force and point of action sig, n_sec, d_x, d_y = analysis_section.get_service_stress( kappa=kappa, ecf=ecf, eps0=eps0, theta=0, centroid=self.moment_centroid, ) # save results conc_sigs.append(sig) conc_forces.append((n_sec, d_x, d_y)) conc_sections.append(analysis_section) # loop through all lumped and strand geometries and calculate stress for lumped_geom in self.reinf_geometries_lumped + self.strand_geometries: # calculate area and centroid area = lumped_geom.calculate_area() centroid = lumped_geom.calculate_centroid() # get strain at centroid of lump strain = utils.get_service_strain( point=(centroid[0], centroid[1]), ecf=ecf, eps0=eps0, theta=0, kappa=kappa, ) # add initial prestress strain if isinstance(lumped_geom.material, SteelStrand): eps_pe = -lumped_geom.material.get_prestress_strain(area=area) strain += eps_pe # calculate stress, force and point of action sig = lumped_geom.material.stress_strain_profile.get_stress(strain=strain) n_lumped = sig * area if isinstance(lumped_geom.material, SteelStrand): strand_sigs.append(sig) strand_strains.append(strain) strand_forces.append( ( n_lumped, centroid[0] - self.moment_centroid[0], centroid[1] - self.moment_centroid[1], ) ) strand_geoms.append(lumped_geom) else: lumped_reinf_sigs.append(sig) lumped_reinf_strains.append(strain) lumped_reinf_forces.append( ( n_lumped, centroid[0] - self.moment_centroid[0], centroid[1] - self.moment_centroid[1], ) ) lumped_reinf_geoms.append(lumped_geom) return res.StressResult( concrete_section=self, concrete_analysis_sections=conc_sections, concrete_stresses=conc_sigs, concrete_forces=conc_forces, meshed_reinforcement_sections=[], meshed_reinforcement_stresses=[], meshed_reinforcement_forces=[], lumped_reinforcement_geometries=lumped_reinf_geoms, lumped_reinforcement_stresses=lumped_reinf_sigs, lumped_reinforcement_strains=lumped_reinf_strains, lumped_reinforcement_forces=lumped_reinf_forces, strand_geometries=strand_geoms, strand_stresses=strand_sigs, strand_strains=strand_strains, strand_forces=strand_forces, )
[docs] def calculate_ultimate_stress( self, ultimate_results: res.UltimateBendingResults, ) -> res.StressResult: """Calculates ultimate stresses within the prestressed concrete section. :param ultimate_results: Ultimate bending results objects :return: Stress results object """ # depth of neutral axis at extreme tensile fibre extreme_fibre, _ = utils.calculate_extreme_fibre( points=self.compound_geometry.points, theta=ultimate_results.theta ) # find point on neutral axis by shifting by d_n if isinf(ultimate_results.d_n): point_na = (0, 0) else: point_na = utils.point_on_neutral_axis( extreme_fibre=extreme_fibre, d_n=ultimate_results.d_n, theta=ultimate_results.theta, ) # initialise stress results conc_sections = [] conc_sigs = [] conc_forces = [] lumped_reinf_geoms = [] lumped_reinf_sigs = [] lumped_reinf_strains = [] lumped_reinf_forces = [] strand_geoms = [] strand_sigs = [] strand_strains = [] strand_forces = [] # create splits in meshed geometries at points in stress-strain profiles meshed_split_geoms: List[Union[CPGeom, CPGeomConcrete]] = [] if isinf(ultimate_results.d_n): meshed_split_geoms = self.meshed_geometries else: for meshed_geom in self.meshed_geometries: split_geoms = utils.split_geom_at_strains_ultimate( geom=meshed_geom, theta=ultimate_results.theta, point_na=point_na, ultimate_strain=self.gross_properties.conc_ultimate_strain, d_n=ultimate_results.d_n, ) meshed_split_geoms.extend(split_geoms) # loop through all concrete geometries and calculate stress for meshed_geom in meshed_split_geoms: analysis_section = AnalysisSection(geometry=meshed_geom) # calculate stress, force and point of action sig, n_sec, d_x, d_y = analysis_section.get_ultimate_stress( d_n=ultimate_results.d_n, point_na=point_na, theta=ultimate_results.theta, ultimate_strain=self.gross_properties.conc_ultimate_strain, centroid=self.moment_centroid, ) # save results if isinstance(meshed_geom, CPGeomConcrete): conc_sigs.append(sig) conc_forces.append((n_sec, d_x, d_y)) conc_sections.append(analysis_section) # loop through all lumped and strand geometries and calculate stress for lumped_geom in self.reinf_geometries_lumped + self.strand_geometries: # calculate area and centroid area = lumped_geom.calculate_area() centroid = lumped_geom.calculate_centroid() # get strain at centroid of lump if isinf(ultimate_results.d_n): strain = self.gross_properties.conc_ultimate_strain else: strain = utils.get_ultimate_strain( point=(centroid[0], centroid[1]), point_na=point_na, d_n=ultimate_results.d_n, theta=ultimate_results.theta, ultimate_strain=self.gross_properties.conc_ultimate_strain, ) # add initial prestress strain if isinstance(lumped_geom.material, SteelStrand): eps_pe = -lumped_geom.material.get_prestress_strain(area=area) strain += eps_pe # calculate stress, force and point of action sig = lumped_geom.material.stress_strain_profile.get_stress(strain=strain) n_lumped = sig * lumped_geom.calculate_area() if isinstance(lumped_geom.material, SteelStrand): strand_sigs.append(sig) strand_strains.append(strain) strand_forces.append( ( n_lumped, centroid[0] - self.moment_centroid[0], centroid[1] - self.moment_centroid[1], ) ) strand_geoms.append(lumped_geom) else: lumped_reinf_sigs.append(sig) lumped_reinf_strains.append(strain) lumped_reinf_forces.append( ( n_lumped, centroid[0] - self.moment_centroid[0], centroid[1] - self.moment_centroid[1], ) ) lumped_reinf_geoms.append(lumped_geom) return res.StressResult( concrete_section=self, concrete_analysis_sections=conc_sections, concrete_stresses=conc_sigs, concrete_forces=conc_forces, meshed_reinforcement_sections=[], meshed_reinforcement_stresses=[], meshed_reinforcement_forces=[], lumped_reinforcement_geometries=lumped_reinf_geoms, lumped_reinforcement_stresses=lumped_reinf_sigs, lumped_reinforcement_strains=lumped_reinf_strains, lumped_reinforcement_forces=lumped_reinf_forces, strand_geometries=strand_geoms, strand_stresses=strand_sigs, strand_strains=strand_strains, strand_forces=strand_forces, )