Source code for concreteproperties.utils

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import numpy as np
from rich.progress import BarColumn, Progress, ProgressColumn, SpinnerColumn, TextColumn
from rich.table import Column
from rich.text import Text

from concreteproperties.pre import CPGeomConcrete

    from sectionproperties.pre.geometry import CompoundGeometry

    from concreteproperties.pre import CPGeom

[docs]def get_service_strain( point: Tuple[float, float], ecf: Tuple[float, float], eps0: float, theta: float, kappa: float, ) -> float: r"""Determines the strain at point `point` given curvature `kappa` and neutral axis angle `theta`. Positive strain is compression. :param point: Point at which to evaluate the strain :param ecf: Global coordinate of the extreme compressive fibre :param eps0: Strain at top fibre :param theta: Angle (in radians) the neutral axis makes with the horizontal axis (:math:`-\pi \leq \theta \leq \pi`) :param kappa: Curvature :return: Strain """ # convert point to local coordinates _, v = global_to_local(theta=theta, x=point[0], y=point[1]) # convert ecf to local coordinates _, v_ecf = global_to_local(theta=theta, x=ecf[0], y=ecf[1]) # calculate distance between ecf and point in `v` direction d = v_ecf - v return eps0 - kappa * d
[docs]def get_ultimate_strain( point: Tuple[float, float], point_na: Tuple[float, float], d_n: float, theta: float, ultimate_strain: float, ) -> float: r"""Determines the strain at point `point` given neutral axis depth `d_n` and neutral axis angle `theta`. Positive strain is compression. :param point: Point at which to evaluate the strain :param point_na: Point on the neutral axis :param d_n: Depth of the neutral axis from the extreme compression fibre :param theta: Angle (in radians) the neutral axis makes with the horizontal axis (:math:`-\pi \leq \theta \leq \pi`) :param ultimate_strain: Concrete strain at failure :return: Strain """ # convert point to local coordinates _, v = global_to_local(theta=theta, x=point[0], y=point[1]) # convert point_na to local coordinates _, v_na = global_to_local(theta=theta, x=point_na[0], y=point_na[1]) # calculate distance between NA and point in `v` direction d = v - v_na return d / d_n * ultimate_strain
[docs]def point_on_neutral_axis( extreme_fibre: Tuple[float, float], d_n: float, theta: float, ) -> Tuple[float, float]: r"""Returns a point on the neutral axis given an extreme fibre, a depth to the neutral axis and a neutral axis angle. :param extreme_fibre: Global coordinate of the extreme compression fibre :param d_n: Depth of the neutral axis from the extreme compression fibre :param theta: Angle (in radians) the neutral axis makes with the horizontal axis (:math:`-\pi \leq \theta \leq \pi`) :return: Point on the neutral axis in global coordinates `(x, y)` """ # determine the coordinate of the point wrt the local axis u, v = global_to_local(theta=theta, x=extreme_fibre[0], y=extreme_fibre[1]) # subtract the neutral axis depth v -= d_n # convert point back to global coordinates return local_to_global(theta=theta, u=u, v=v)
[docs]def split_geom_at_strains_service( geom: Union[CPGeom, CPGeomConcrete], theta: float, ecf: Tuple[float, float], eps0: float, kappa: float, ) -> Union[List[CPGeom], List[CPGeomConcrete]]: r"""Splits geometries at discontinuities in its stress-strain profile. :param geom: Geometry to split :param theta: Angle (in radians) the neutral axis makes with the horizontal axis (:math:`-\pi \leq \theta \leq \pi`) :param ecf: Global coordinate of the extreme compressive fibre :param eps0: Strain at top fibre :param kappa: Curvature :return: List of split geometries """ # handle zero curvature if kappa == 0: return [geom] # create splits in concrete geometries at points in stress-strain profiles split_geoms: Union[List[CPGeom], List[CPGeomConcrete]] = [] strains = geom.material.stress_strain_profile.get_unique_strains() # make geom a list of geometries geom_list = [geom] # initialise top_geoms in case of two unique strains top_geoms = geom_list continuing_geoms = [] # loop through intermediate points on stress-strain profile for strain in strains[1:-1]: # depth to points of *strain* from ecf d = (eps0 - strain) / kappa # convert depth to global coordinates dx, dy = local_to_global(theta=theta, u=0, v=d) # calculate location of point pt = ecf[0] - dx, ecf[1] - dy # make list of geometries that will need to continue to be split after the # split operation, i.e. those above the split continuing_geoms = [] # split concrete geometries for g in geom_list: top_geoms, bot_geoms = g.split_section( point=pt, theta=theta, ) if kappa < 0: # save top geoms split_geoms.extend(top_geoms) # save continuing geoms continuing_geoms.extend(bot_geoms) else: # save bot geoms split_geoms.extend(bot_geoms) # save continuing geoms continuing_geoms.extend(top_geoms) # update geom_list for next strain geom_list = continuing_geoms # save final top geoms split_geoms.extend(continuing_geoms) return split_geoms
[docs]def split_geom_at_strains_ultimate( geom: Union[CPGeom, CPGeomConcrete], theta: float, point_na: Tuple[float, float], ultimate_strain: float, d_n: float, ) -> Union[List[CPGeom], List[CPGeomConcrete]]: r"""Splits geometries at discontinuities in its stress-strain profile. :param geom: Geometry to split :param theta: Angle (in radians) the neutral axis makes with the horizontal axis (:math:`-\pi \leq \theta \leq \pi`) :param point_na: Point on the neutral axis :param ultimate_strain: Concrete strain at failure (required for ``ultimate=True`` only) :param d_n: Depth of the neutral axis from the extreme compression fibre (required for ``ultimate=True`` only) :return: List of split geometries """ # create splits in concrete geometries at points in stress-strain profiles split_geoms: Union[List[CPGeom], List[CPGeomConcrete]] = [] if isinstance(geom, CPGeomConcrete): strains = geom.material.ultimate_stress_strain_profile.get_unique_strains() else: strains = geom.material.stress_strain_profile.get_unique_strains() # make geom a list of geometries geom_list = [geom] # initialise top_geoms in case of two unique strains top_geoms = geom_list continuing_geoms = [] # loop through intermediate points on stress-strain profile for strain in strains[1:-1]: # depth to points of *strain* from NA d = strain / ultimate_strain * d_n # convert depth to global coordinates dx, dy = local_to_global(theta=theta, u=0, v=d) # calculate location of point pt = point_na[0] + dx, point_na[1] + dy # make list of geometries that will need to continue to be split after the # split operation, i.e. those above the split continuing_geoms = [] # split concrete geometries (from bottom up) for g in geom_list: top_geoms, bot_geoms = g.split_section( point=pt, theta=theta, ) # save bottom geoms split_geoms.extend(bot_geoms) # save continuing geoms continuing_geoms.extend(top_geoms) # update geom_list for next strain geom_list = continuing_geoms # save final top geoms split_geoms.extend(continuing_geoms) return split_geoms
[docs]def calculate_extreme_fibre( points: List[Tuple[float, float]], theta: float, ) -> Tuple[Tuple[float, float], float]: r"""Calculates the locations of the extreme compression fibre in global coordinates given a neutral axis angle `theta`. :param points: Points over which to search for an extreme fibre :param theta: Angle (in radians) the neutral axis makes with the horizontal axis (:math:`-\pi \leq \theta \leq \pi`) :return: Global coordinate of the extreme compression fibre `(x, y)` and the neutral axis depth at the extreme tensile fibre """ # initialise min/max variable & point max_pt = points[0] _, v = global_to_local(theta=theta, x=points[0][0], y=points[0][1]) v_min = v v_max = v # loop through all points for idx, point in enumerate(points[1:]): # determine the coordinate of the point wrt the local axis _, v = global_to_local(theta=theta, x=point[0], y=point[1]) # update the min/max & point where necessary if v < v_min: v_min = v if v > v_max: v_max = v max_pt = point # calculate depth of neutral axis at tensile fibre d_t = v_max - v_min return max_pt, d_t
[docs]def calculate_max_bending_depth( points: List[Tuple[float, float]], c_local_v: float, theta: float, ) -> float: r"""Calculates the maximum distance from the centroid to an extreme fibre when bending about an axis `theta`. :param points: Points over which to search for a bending depth :param c_local_v: Centroid coordinate in the local v-direction :param theta: Angle (in radians) the bending axis makes with the horizontal axis (:math:`-\pi \leq \theta \leq \pi`) :return: Maximum bending depth, returns zero if distance is negative """ max_bending_depth = 0 # loop through all points for idx, point in enumerate(points): # determine the coordinate of the point wrt the local axis _, v = global_to_local(theta=theta, x=point[0], y=point[1]) max_bending_depth = max(c_local_v - v, max_bending_depth) return max_bending_depth
[docs]def gauss_points( n: float, ) -> List[List[float]]: """Returns the Gaussian weights and locations for *n* point Gaussian integration of a linear triangular element. :param n: Number of Gauss points (1, 3 or 6) :return: An *n x 3* matrix consisting of the integration weight and the xi and eta locations for *n* Gauss points """ if n == 1: return [[0.5, 1.0 / 3, 1.0 / 3]] elif n == 3: return [ [1.0 / 6, 1.0 / 6, 1.0 / 6], [1.0 / 6, 2.0 / 3, 1.0 / 6], [1.0 / 6, 1.0 / 6, 2.0 / 3], ] else: raise ValueError(f"{n} gauss points not implemented.")
[docs]def shape_function( coords: np.ndarray, gauss_point: List[float], ) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, float]: """Computes shape functions and the determinant of the Jacobian matrix for a linear triangular element at a given Gauss point. :param coords: Global coordinates of the linear triangle vertices [2 x 3] :param gauss_point: Gaussian weight and isoparametric location of the Gauss point :return: The value of the shape functions *N(i)* at the given Gauss point [1 x 3] and the determinant of the Jacobian matrix *j* """ xi = gauss_point[1] eta = gauss_point[2] N = np.array([1 - xi - eta, xi, eta]) dN = np.array([[-1, -1], [1, 0], [0, 1]]) # calculate jacobian J_mat = np.matmul(coords, dN) j = np.linalg.det(J_mat) return N, j
[docs]def calculate_local_extents( geometry: CompoundGeometry, cx: float, cy: float, theta: float, ) -> Tuple[float, float, float, float]: r"""Calculates the local extents of a geometry given a centroid and axis angle. :param geometry: Geometry over which to calculate extents :param cx: x-location of the centroid :param cy: y-location of the centroid :param theta: Angle (in radians) the neutral axis makes with the horizontal axis (:math:`-\pi \leq \theta \leq \pi`) :return: Local extents *(x11_max, x11_min, y22_max, y22_min)* """ # initialise min, max variables pt0 = geometry.points[0] x11, y22 = global_to_local(theta=theta, x=pt0[0] - cx, y=pt0[1] - cy) x11_max = x11 x11_min = x11 y22_max = y22 y22_min = y22 # loop through all points in geometry for idx, pt in enumerate(geometry.points[1:]): # determine the coordinate of the point wrt the principal axis x11, y22 = global_to_local(theta=theta, x=pt[0] - cx, y=pt[1] - cy) # update the mins and maxes where necessary x11_max = max(x11_max, x11) x11_min = min(x11_min, x11) y22_max = max(y22_max, y22) y22_min = min(y22_min, y22) return x11_max, x11_min, y22_max, y22_min
[docs]def global_to_local( theta: float, x: float, y: float, ) -> Tuple[float, float]: r"""Determines the local coordinates of the global point (``x``, ``y``) given local axis angle ``theta``. :param theta: Angle (in radians) the local axis makes with the horizontal axis (:math:`-\pi \leq \theta \leq \pi`) :param x: x-coordinate of the point in the global axis :param y: y-coordinate of the point in the global axis :return: Local axis coordinates (``u``, ``v``) """ cos_theta = np.cos(theta) sin_theta = np.sin(theta) return x * cos_theta + y * sin_theta, y * cos_theta - x * sin_theta
[docs]def local_to_global( theta: float, u: float, v: float, ) -> Tuple[float, float]: r"""Determines the global coordinates of the local point (``u``, ``v``) given local axis angle ``theta``. :param theta: Angle (in radians) the local axis makes with the horizontal axis (:math:`-\pi \leq \theta \leq \pi`) :param u: u-coordinate of the point in the local axis :param v: v-coordinate of the point in the local axis :return: Global axis coordinates (``x``, ``y``) """ cos_theta = np.cos(theta) sin_theta = np.sin(theta) return u * cos_theta - v * sin_theta, u * sin_theta + v * cos_theta
[docs]class CustomTimeElapsedColumn(ProgressColumn): """Renders time elapsed in milliseconds."""
[docs] def render( self, task: str = "Task", ) -> Text: """Show time remaining. :param task: Task string :return: Rich text object """ elapsed = task.finished_time if task.finished else task.elapsed # type: ignore if elapsed is None: return Text("-:--:--", style="progress.elapsed") elapsed_string = "[ {0:.4f} s ]".format(elapsed) return Text(elapsed_string, style="progress.elapsed")
[docs]def create_known_progress() -> Progress: """Returns a Rich Progress class for a known number of iterations. :return: Rich progress object """ return Progress( SpinnerColumn(), TextColumn( "[progress.description]{task.description}", table_column=Column(ratio=1) ), BarColumn(bar_width=None, table_column=Column(ratio=1)), TextColumn("[progress.percentage]{task.percentage:>3.0f}%"), CustomTimeElapsedColumn(), expand=True, )
[docs]def create_unknown_progress() -> Progress: """Returns a Rich Progress class for an unknown number of iterations. :return: Rich progress object """ return Progress( SpinnerColumn(), TextColumn( "[progress.description]{task.description}", table_column=Column(ratio=1) ), BarColumn(bar_width=None, table_column=Column(ratio=1)), CustomTimeElapsedColumn(), expand=True, )
[docs]class AnalysisError(Exception): pass