Source code for concreteproperties.stress_strain_profile

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import List, TYPE_CHECKING
import warnings
from dataclasses import dataclass, field

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from rich.console import Console
from rich.table import Table

from import plotting_context

    import matplotlib

[docs]@dataclass class StressStrainProfile: """Abstract base class for a material stress-strain profile. Implements a piecewise linear stress-strain profile. Positive stresses & strains are compression. :param strains: List of strains (must be increasing or equal) :type strains: List[float] :param stresses: List of stresses :type stresses: List[float] """ strains: List[float] stresses: List[float] def __post_init__( self, ): # validate input - same length lists if len(self.strains) != len(self.stresses): raise ValueError("Length of strains must equal length of stresses") # validate input - length > 1 if len(self.strains) < 2: raise ValueError("Length of strains and stresses must be greater than 1") # validate input - increasing values prev_strain = self.strains[0] for idx in range(len(self.strains)): if idx != 0: if self.strains[idx] < prev_strain: msg = "strains must contain increasing values." raise ValueError(msg) prev_strain = self.strains[idx]
[docs] def get_stress( self, strain: float, ) -> float: """Returns a stress given a strain. :param float strain: Strain at which to return a stress. :return: Stress :rtype: float """ # create interpolation function stress_function = interp1d( x=self.strains, y=self.stresses, kind="linear", fill_value="extrapolate", ) return stress_function(strain)
[docs] def get_elastic_modulus( self, ) -> float: """Returns the elastic modulus of the stress-strain profile. :return: Elastic modulus :rtype: float """ small_strain = 1e-6 # get stress at zero strain stress_0 = self.get_stress(strain=0) # get stress at small positive strain & compute elastic modulus stress_positive = self.get_stress(strain=small_strain) em_positive = stress_positive / small_strain # get stress at small negative strain & compute elastic modulus stress_negative = self.get_stress(strain=-small_strain) em_negative = stress_negative / -small_strain # check elastic moduli are equal, if not print warning if not np.isclose(em_positive, em_negative): warnings.warn( "Initial compressive and tensile elastic moduli are not equal" ) if np.isclose(em_positive, 0): raise ValueError("Elastic modulus is zero.") return em_positive
[docs] def get_compressive_strength( self, ) -> float: """Returns the most positive stress. :return: Compressive strength :rtype: float """ return max(self.stresses)
[docs] def get_tensile_strength( self, ) -> float: """Returns the most negative stress. :return: Tensile strength :rtype: float """ return min(self.stresses)
[docs] def get_ultimate_strain( self, ) -> float: """Returns the largest strain. :return: Ultimate strain :rtype: float """ return max(self.strains)
[docs] def get_unique_strains( self, ) -> List[float]: """Returns an ordered list of unique strains. :return: Ordered list of unique strains """ unique_strains = list(set(self.strains)) unique_strains.sort() return unique_strains
[docs] def print_properties( self, fmt: Optional[str] = "8.6e", ): """Prints the stress-strain profile properties to the terminal. :param fmt: Number format :type fmt: Optional[str] """ table = Table(title=f"Stress-Strain Profile - {type(self).__name__}") table.add_column("Property", justify="left", style="cyan", no_wrap=True) table.add_column("Value", justify="right", style="green") table.add_row( "Elastic Modulus", "{:>{fmt}}".format(self.get_elastic_modulus(), fmt=fmt) ) table.add_row( "Compressive Strength", "{:>{fmt}}".format(self.get_compressive_strength(), fmt=fmt), ) table.add_row( "Tensile Strength", "{:>{fmt}}".format(-self.get_tensile_strength(), fmt=fmt), ) table.add_row( "Ultimate Strain", "{:>{fmt}}".format(self.get_ultimate_strain(), fmt=fmt) ) console = Console() console.print(table)
[docs] def plot_stress_strain( self, title: Optional[str] = "Stress-Strain Profile", fmt: Optional[str] = "o-", **kwargs, ) -> matplotlib.axes.Axes: """Plots the stress-strain profile. :param title: Plot title :type title: Optional[str] :param fmt: Plot format string :type fmt: Optional[str] :param kwargs: Passed to :func:`` :return: Matplotlib axes object :rtype: :class:`matplotlib.axes.Axes` """ # create plot and setup the plot with plotting_context(title=title, **kwargs) as ( fig, ax, ): ax.plot(self.strains, self.stresses, fmt) plt.xlabel("Strain") plt.ylabel("Stress") plt.grid(True) return ax
[docs]@dataclass class ConcreteServiceProfile(StressStrainProfile): """Abstract class for a concrete service stress-strain profile. :param strains: List of strains (must be increasing or equal) :type strains: List[float] :param stresses: List of stresses :type stresses: List[float] :param float ultimate_strain: Concrete strain at failure """ strains: List[float] stresses: List[float] elastic_modulus: float = field(init=False) ultimate_strain: float
[docs] def print_properties( self, fmt: Optional[str] = "8.6e", ): """Prints the stress-strain profile properties to the terminal. :param fmt: Number format :type fmt: Optional[str] """ table = Table(title=f"Stress-Strain Profile - {type(self).__name__}") table.add_column("Property", justify="left", style="cyan", no_wrap=True) table.add_column("Value", justify="right", style="green") table.add_row( "Elastic Modulus", "{:>{fmt}}".format(self.get_elastic_modulus(), fmt=fmt) ) table.add_row( "Ultimate Strain", "{:>{fmt}}".format(self.get_ultimate_strain(), fmt=fmt) ) console = Console() console.print(table)
[docs] def get_elastic_modulus( self, ) -> float: """Returns the elastic modulus of the stress-strain profile. :return: Elastic modulus :rtype: float """ try: return self.elastic_modulus except AttributeError: return super().get_elastic_modulus()
[docs] def get_compressive_strength( self, ) -> float: """Returns the most positive stress. :return: Compressive strength :rtype: float """ return None
[docs] def get_tensile_strength( self, ) -> float: """Returns the most negative stress. :return: Tensile strength :rtype: float """ return None
[docs] def get_ultimate_strain( self, ) -> float: """Returns the largest strain. :return: Ultimate strain :rtype: float """ return self.ultimate_strain
[docs]@dataclass class ConcreteLinear(ConcreteServiceProfile): """Class for a symmetric linear stress-strain profile. :param float elastic_modulus: Elastic modulus of the stress-strain profile :param ultimate_strain: Concrete strain at failure :type ultimate_strain: Optional[float] """ strains: List[float] = field(init=False) stresses: List[float] = field(init=False) elastic_modulus: float ultimate_strain: float = field(default=1) def __post_init__( self, ): self.strains = [-0.001, 0, 0.001] self.stresses = [-0.001 * self.elastic_modulus, 0, 0.001 * self.elastic_modulus]
[docs]@dataclass class ConcreteLinearNoTension(ConcreteServiceProfile): """Class for a linear stress-strain profile with no tensile strength. :param float elastic_modulus: Elastic modulus of the stress-strain profile :param ultimate_strain: Concrete strain at failure :type ultimate_strain: Optional[float] :param compressive_strength: Compressive strength of the concrete :type compressive_strength: Optional[float] """ strains: List[float] = field(init=False) stresses: List[float] = field(init=False) elastic_modulus: float ultimate_strain: float = field(default=1) compressive_strength: float = field(default=None) def __post_init__( self, ): self.strains = [-0.001, 0, 0.001] self.stresses = [0, 0, 0.001 * self.elastic_modulus] if self.compressive_strength is not None: self.strains[-1] = self.compressive_strength / self.elastic_modulus self.stresses[-1] = self.compressive_strength self.strains.append(self.ultimate_strain) self.stresses.append(self.compressive_strength)
[docs]@dataclass class EurocodeNonLinear(ConcreteServiceProfile): """Class for a non-linear stress-strain relationship to EC2. Tension is modelled with a symmetric ``elastic_modulus`` until failure at ``tensile_strength``, after which the tensile stress reduces according to the ``tension_softening_stiffness``. :param float elastic_modulus: Concrete elastic modulus (:math:`E_{cm}`) :param float ultimate_strain: Concrete strain at failure (:math:`\epsilon_{cu1}`) :param float compressive_strength: Concrete compressive strength (:math:`f_{cm}`) :param float compressive_strain: Strain at which the concrete stress equals the compressive strength (:math:`\epsilon_{c1}`) :param float tensile_strength: Concrete tensile strength :param float tension_softening_stiffness: Slope of the linear tension softening branch :param n_points_1: Number of points to discretise the curve prior to the peak stress :type n_points_1: Optional[int] :param n_points_2: Number of points to discretise the curve after the peak stress :type n_points_2: Optional[int] """ strains: List[float] = field(init=False) stresses: List[float] = field(init=False) elastic_modulus: float ultimate_strain: float compressive_strength: float compressive_strain: float tensile_strength: float tension_softening_stiffness: float n_points_1: Optional[int] = field(default=10) n_points_2: Optional[int] = field(default=3) def __post_init__( self, ): self.strains = [] self.stresses = [] # tensile portion of curve strain_tension_strength = -self.tensile_strength / self.elastic_modulus strain_zero_tension = ( strain_tension_strength - self.tensile_strength / self.tension_softening_stiffness ) self.strains.append(1.1 * strain_zero_tension) self.stresses.append(0) self.strains.append(strain_zero_tension) self.stresses.append(0) self.strains.append(strain_tension_strength) self.stresses.append(-self.tensile_strength) self.strains.append(0) self.stresses.append(0) # constants k = ( 1.05 * self.elastic_modulus * self.compressive_strain / self.compressive_strength ) # prior to peak stress for idx in range(self.n_points_1): conc_strain = self.compressive_strain / self.n_points_1 * (idx + 1) eta = conc_strain / self.compressive_strain conc_stress = ( self.compressive_strength * (k * eta - eta * eta) / (1 + eta * (k - 2)) ) self.strains.append(conc_strain) self.stresses.append(conc_stress) # after peak stress for idx in range(self.n_points_2): remaining_strain = self.ultimate_strain - self.compressive_strain conc_strain = ( self.compressive_strain + remaining_strain / self.n_points_2 * (idx + 1) ) eta = conc_strain / self.compressive_strain conc_stress = ( self.compressive_strength * (k * eta - eta * eta) / (1 + eta * (k - 2)) ) self.strains.append(conc_strain) self.stresses.append(conc_stress) # close off final stress self.strains.append(1.01 * conc_strain) self.stresses.append(conc_stress)
[docs]@dataclass class ConcreteUltimateProfile(StressStrainProfile): """Abstract class for a concrete ultimate stress-strain profile. :param strains: List of strains (must be increasing or equal) :type strains: List[float] :param stresses: List of stresses :type stresses: List[float] :param float compressive_strength: Concrete compressive strength """ strains: List[float] stresses: List[float] compressive_strength: float
[docs] def get_compressive_strength( self, ) -> float: """Returns the most positive stress. :return: Compressive strength :rtype: float """ return self.compressive_strength
[docs] def get_ultimate_strain( self, ) -> float: """Returns the ultimate strain, or largest compressive strain. :return: Ultimate strain :rtype: float """ try: return self.ultimate_strain except AttributeError: return super().get_ultimate_strain()
[docs] def print_properties( self, fmt: Optional[str] = "8.6e", ): """Prints the stress-strain profile properties to the terminal. :param fmt: Number format :type fmt: Optional[str] """ table = Table(title=f"Stress-Strain Profile - {type(self).__name__}") table.add_column("Property", justify="left", style="cyan", no_wrap=True) table.add_column("Value", justify="right", style="green") table.add_row( "Compressive Strength", "{:>{fmt}}".format(self.get_compressive_strength(), fmt=fmt), ) table.add_row( "Ultimate Strain", "{:>{fmt}}".format(self.get_ultimate_strain(), fmt=fmt) ) console = Console() console.print(table)
[docs]@dataclass class RectangularStressBlock(ConcreteUltimateProfile): """Class for a rectangular stress block. :param float compressive_strength: Concrete compressive strength :param float alpha: Factor that modifies the concrete compressive strength :param float gamma: Factor that modifies the depth of the stress block :param float ultimate_strain: Concrete strain at failure """ strains: List[float] = field(init=False) stresses: List[float] = field(init=False) compressive_strength: float alpha: float gamma: float ultimate_strain: float def __post_init__( self, ): self.strains = [ 0, self.ultimate_strain * (1 - self.gamma), self.ultimate_strain * (1 - self.gamma), self.ultimate_strain, ] self.stresses = [ 0, 0, self.alpha * self.compressive_strength, self.alpha * self.compressive_strength, ]
[docs] def get_stress( self, strain: float, ) -> float: """Returns a stress given a strain. Overrides parent method with small tolerance to aid ultimate stress generation at nodes. :param float strain: Strain at which to return a stress. :return: Stress :rtype: float """ if strain >= self.strains[1] - 1e-12: return self.stresses[2] else: return 0
[docs]@dataclass class BilinearStressStrain(ConcreteUltimateProfile): """Class for a bilinear stress-strain relationship. :param float compressive_strength: Concrete compressive strength :param float compressive_strain: Strain at which the concrete stress equals the compressive strength :param float ultimate_strain: Concrete strain at failure """ strains: List[float] = field(init=False) stresses: List[float] = field(init=False) compressive_strength: float compressive_strain: float ultimate_strain: float def __post_init__( self, ): self.strains = [ -self.compressive_strain, 0, self.compressive_strain, self.ultimate_strain, ] self.stresses = [ 0, 0, self.compressive_strength, self.compressive_strength, ]
[docs]@dataclass class EurocodeParabolicUltimate(ConcreteUltimateProfile): """Class for an ultimate parabolic stress-strain relationship to EC2. :param float compressive_strength: Concrete compressive strength :param float compressive_strain: Strain at which the concrete stress equals the compressive strength :param float ultimate_strain: Concrete strain at failure :param float n: Parabolic curve exponent :param n_points: Number of points to discretise the parabolic segment of the curve :type n_points: Optional[int] """ strains: List[float] = field(init=False) stresses: List[float] = field(init=False) compressive_strength: float compressive_strain: float ultimate_strain: float n: float n_points: Optional[int] = field(default=10) def __post_init__( self, ): self.strains = [] self.stresses = [] # tensile portion of curve self.strains.append(-self.compressive_strain) self.stresses.append(0) self.strains.append(0) self.stresses.append(0) # parabolic portion of curve for idx in range(self.n_points): conc_strain = self.compressive_strain / self.n_points * (idx + 1) conc_stress = self.compressive_strength * ( 1 - np.power(1 - (conc_strain / self.compressive_strain), self.n) ) self.strains.append(conc_strain) self.stresses.append(conc_stress) # compressive plateau self.strains.append(self.ultimate_strain) self.stresses.append(self.compressive_strength)
[docs]@dataclass class SteelProfile(StressStrainProfile): """Abstract class for a steel stress-strain profile. :param strains: List of strains (must be increasing or equal) :type strains: List[float] :param stresses: List of stresses :type stresses: List[float] :param float yield_strength: Steel yield strength :param float elastic_modulus: Steel elastic modulus :param float fracture_strain: Steel fracture strain """ strains: List[float] stresses: List[float] yield_strength: float elastic_modulus: float fracture_strain: float
[docs] def get_elastic_modulus( self, ) -> float: """Returns the elastic modulus of the stress-strain profile. :return: Elastic modulus :rtype: float """ return self.elastic_modulus
[docs] def print_properties( self, fmt: Optional[str] = "8.6e", ): """Prints the stress-strain profile properties to the terminal. :param fmt: Number format :type fmt: Optional[str] """ table = Table(title=f"Stress-Strain Profile - {type(self).__name__}") table.add_column("Property", justify="left", style="cyan", no_wrap=True) table.add_column("Value", justify="right", style="green") table.add_row( "Elastic Modulus", "{:>{fmt}}".format(self.get_elastic_modulus(), fmt=fmt) ) table.add_row( "Yield Strength", "{:>{fmt}}".format(self.yield_strength, fmt=fmt) ) table.add_row( "Tensile Strength", "{:>{fmt}}".format(-self.get_tensile_strength(), fmt=fmt), ) table.add_row( "Fracture Strain", "{:>{fmt}}".format(self.get_ultimate_strain(), fmt=fmt) ) console = Console() console.print(table)
[docs]@dataclass class SteelElasticPlastic(SteelProfile): """Class for a perfectly elastic-plastic steel stress-strain profile. :param float yield_strength: Steel yield strength :param float elastic_modulus: Steel elastic modulus :param float fracture_strain: Steel fracture strain """ strains: List[float] = field(init=False) stresses: List[float] = field(init=False) yield_strength: float elastic_modulus: float fracture_strain: float def __post_init__( self, ): yield_strain = self.yield_strength / self.elastic_modulus self.strains = [ -self.fracture_strain, -yield_strain, 0, yield_strain, self.fracture_strain, ] self.stresses = [ -self.yield_strength, -self.yield_strength, 0, self.yield_strength, self.yield_strength, ]
[docs]@dataclass class SteelHardening(SteelProfile): """Class for a steel stress-strain profile with strain hardening. :param float yield_strength: Steel yield strength :param float elastic_modulus: Steel elastic modulus :param float fracture_strain: Steel fracture strain :param float ultimate_strength: Steel ultimate strength """ strains: List[float] = field(init=False) stresses: List[float] = field(init=False) yield_strength: float elastic_modulus: float fracture_strain: float ultimate_strength: float def __post_init__( self, ): yield_strain = self.yield_strength / self.elastic_modulus self.strains = [ -self.fracture_strain, -yield_strain, 0, yield_strain, self.fracture_strain, ] self.stresses = [ -self.ultimate_strength, -self.yield_strength, 0, self.yield_strength, self.ultimate_strength, ]