
add_bar_circular_array(geometry, area, material, n_bar, r_array, theta_0=0, ctr=(0, 0), n=4)[source]#

Adds a circular array of reinforcing bars to a sectionproperties geometry.

Bars are discretised by four points by default.

  • geometry (Union[Geometry, CompoundGeometry]) – Reinforced concrete geometry to which the news bar will be added

  • area (float) – Bar cross-sectional area

  • material (Union[SteelBar, SteelStrand]) – Material object for the bar

  • n_bar (int) – Number of bars in the array

  • r_array (float) – Radius of the circular array

  • theta_0 (float, default: 0) – Initial angle (in radians) that the first bar makes with the horizontal axis in the circular array

  • ctr (Tuple[float, float], default: (0, 0)) – Centre of the circular array

  • n (int, default: 4) – Number of points to discretise the bar circle


CompoundGeometry – Reinforced concrete geometry with added bar